This nest addressed therapies for hyperlipidemia: specifically, we compare outcomes for patients treated with PCSK9 inhibitors against those treated with standard of care, placebo, or other hyperlipidemia therapeutics. We included all RCTs of PCSK9 inhibitors published since 2017, and collected the primary and secondary outcomes from each RCT. We screened 786 studies and included 16 in both qualitative and quantitative synthesis. We found RCTs of the following PCSK9 inhibitors: inclisiran, evolocumab, alirocumab, and bococizumab. Average ages across therapies were consistently 58-62; inclisiran had significantly more male patients than other therapies, while alirocumab had significantly more female patients. Across 25,000+ patients, the absolute reduction in LDL-C was -40.4 for PCSK9 inhibitors compared to no change for SOC and a slight increase for placebo. Rates of injection site reactions and rates of serious adverse events (SAEs) were comparable across all therapies. Similarly, rates of nonfatal or fatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or myocardial infarction were comparable across all therapies. In conclusion, there is promising evidence of LDL-C reduction with PCSK9 inhibitors compared against both SOC and placebo. Further study is necessary to determine the comparative rates of adverse outcomes between PCSK9 inhibitors and comparator therapies.